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Purchasing policy

Hanwha Vision to has been committed to the pursuit of endless innovation and the spirit of challenge. Through global purchasing power and mutually beneficial management with partners, we will achieve fair purchasing practices, which lead to the world’s best products and services.

Conflict minerals

To fulfill the company’s social responsibilities, Hanwha Vision will not purchase materials originated from disputing countries. Meanwhile, It will provide partners with training and advertisements to consistently spread policies on the prohibition of the use of materials from disputing countries.

※ With the excavation of industrial materials from about 10 African countries such as the republic of Congo, Rwanda, and Sudan, human trafficking and environmental destructions are occurring. The sales profits have been used for purchasing weapons. Thus, the US government had proclaimed a detailed plan to prohibit use of minerals from such disputing countries. Also, the EU has been trying to legislate on such trade. In a fair response to such global trends, Hanwha Vision had determined not to use the four main minerals (gold, tungsten, tantalum, and tin) from such disputing countries.
Comply with
fair trade act

To abide by the Subcontractor Acts, Hanwha Vision has introduced and operated four guidelines of fair trade enacted by the Fair Trade Commission.

  • Guidelines for signing contracts

  • Vendor selection and management

  • Install and manage internal review board for subcontractor trade

  • Document issuance and preservation

Supply chain selection and assessment

As a partner for success, Hanwha Vision selects and manages vendors acccording to transparent and fair standards. We designate purchasing, quality/technology, and compliance management as required fields for evaluation to respond to social responsibility issues.

Assessment of newly registered
  • Register potential vendors
  • Conduct screening for qualification and registery
  • Credit assessment through credit rating agencies
Regular evaluation
  • Quality evaluation, technology evaluation, purchasing evaluation, performance evaluation
  • Compliance breaches
  • AEO certification, mutual growth awards, etc
Management of evaluation results
  • Notify the results and request measures for improvement
  • Monitor completion of improvement
Supply chain risk management

Ethics management pledge

As a partner for success, Hanwha Vision selects and manages vendors acccording to transparent and fair standards. We designate purchasing, quality/technology, and compliance management as required fields for evaluation to respond to social responsibility issues.

Code of ethics for purchasing

Based on clean organizational culture, purchasers at Hanwha Vision constantly create new values, conduct mutual purchase with vendors as business partners, comply with agreements and regulations, and promote fair purchase.

Standards for cash settlement

At Hanwha Vision, cash settlements are made three times each month to generate positive cash flow in suppliers.

This is a table about the Standards for cash settlement
Date Date of the tax invoice issuance
10th 21st to 30th of the previous month
20th 1st to 10th of the current month
30th 11th to 20th of the current month

Create corporate ecosystem that goes further together

Building a roadmap for mutual growth, Hanwha Vision is committed to creating ‘a corporate ecosystem that goes further together’ through ‘Establishing the foundation for mutual growth’ → ‘Enhancing the competitiveness of suppliers’ → ‘Advancing sustainable growth.’ To strengthen the competitiveness of our suppliers, we operate Co-Work Plaza and involve our secondary and teritary suppliers into our mutual growth programs.

Mutual growth
  • Lay a foundation for mutual growth
    Establish systems for fair trade/ subcontractors
    • Settle company-wide culture of fair trade
    Discover creative support programs
    • Encourage domestication and active trade among vendors
  • Enhance the competitiveness of suppliers
    Secure the competitiveness in best quality
    • Operate Co-Work Plaza
    • Sharing business expertise of mother company
    • Nurture top class quality/ technology
  • Advance sustainable growth
    Expand and enhance mutual growth
    • Strengthen the market for vendors
    • Increase support for secondary and teritary suppliers
Mutual growth policy

To fulfill the company’s social responsibilities, Hanwha Vision will not purchase materials originated from disputing countries. Meanwhile, It will provide partners with training and advertisements to consistently spread policies on the prohibition of the use of materials from disputing countries.

Hanwha Vision is always opening doors
to suppliers for mutual growth.

AEO management introduction

As a global manufacturer and import∙export company of surveillance devices, we have acquired the AEO certificate to provide secure and quality products and services for customers at home and abroad.

An Authorized Economic Operator (AEO) refers to a company approved by the Korea Customs Service to satisfy the requirements in compliance with the law and safety management.
AEO management policy
AEO management policy

As an Authorized Economic Operator, Hanwha Vision is committed to complying with customs administration laws and fulfilling requirements as an AEO in order to participate in global logistics management norms. We strive to enhance the competitiveness in import∙export by maintaining effective internal control system and financial soundness and securing human, material, and safety management to keep and manage the status as a qualified trading company.

  • Compliance with laws and regulations and satisfy safety management standards in import and export
  • Establish goals for compliance and safety management with regular inspections
  • Achieve AEO management goals by constantly improving compliance and safety management
  • Contribute to improving compliance and safety management through active communication and information sharing among organizations as well as close cooperation with suppliers
February 28, 2020
Soonhong Ahn, President & CEO at Hanwha Vision
AEO certification
Hanwha Vision adheres to the Foreign Trade Law as part of its corporate social responsibilities to maintain international security and global peace and and faithfully fulfills the Strategic Materials Compliance Program of the Korea Strategic Trade Institute.
Significance of strategic materials export management
전략물자 수출 관리 의의
Declaration on the implementation of autonomous strategic materials export management

Hanwha Vision hereby declares that it shall implement autonomous export management of strategic materials according to the following principles so as to contribute to international security and global peace with the aim of boosting its corporate credibility and enhancing its sustainable management activities:

  • First, the management and our employees shall remain keenly aware that complying with export management of strategic materials is crucial in fulfilling corporate responsibility to promote internaional security and global peace.
  • Second, we shall establish necessary organizations and systems within the company to autonomously manage strategic materials.
  • Third, we shall actively cooperate with the government’s policy on export management of strategic materials and do our best to prevent the occurrence of any illegal activities including the illegal export of strategic items.

Code of ethics for purchasing

Based on clean organizational culture, purchasers at Hanwha Vision constantly create new values, conduct mutual purchase with vendors as business partners, comply with agreements and regulations, and promote fair purchase.
To implement 『value creation』,『mutual purchase』 and 『fair purchase』 we pledge to establish “Purchasers” attitude guideline” as follows and faithfully abide by the rules.

Hanwha Vision is the leader in global video surveillance with the world's best optical design / manufacturing technology and image processing technology focusing on video surveillance business for 30 years since 1990.