It is possible to monitor videos at the location where the systems are installed, but it is not poss

When you try to connect through a cellular network or external environment other than the local network (local IP), you should configure the system DDNS and perform port forwarding.

※ You can use 3G/LTE network, but any device that is connected to a LAN router should register its DDNS ID, certified IP or UID.

[Setup method]
1. DDNS ID of a corresponding device is generated at site.
2. ID that is generated from System > Setup > Network > DDNS is entered.
3. The system HTTP port or device port or RTSP port is changed to a unique port that is different from the default value.
   NVR : System > Setup > Network > DDNS
   Network camera : System > Setup > Basic > IP & Port
4. HTTP port and device port (RSTP port are port-forwarded at the LAN router.
    (Port forwarding method should be referred to for the router user guide.)
    Or, activate UPnP of the router and turn on Quickconnect of the system.

Hanwha Vision is the leader in global video surveillance with the world's best optical design / manufacturing technology and image processing technology focusing on video surveillance business for 30 years since 1990.