
Saudi, UAE VIP Customers Visit R&D Center in Hanwha Techwin HQ

Saudi, UAE VIP Customers Visit
R&D Center in Hanwha Techwin HQ

Saudi, UAE VIP Customers Visit R&D Center in Hanwha Techwin HQ

Major A&E consultants in Saudi Arabia and the UAE visited Hanwha Techwin R&D center in HQ Korea in November 19, 2019.

The A&E consultants invited to HQ in South Korea are crucial to projects in the Middle East region where the growth potential is high. The event was planned to offer them close and direct experience of Hanwha Techwin’s products and solutions.
Around 20 consultants toured the Wisenet Experience Center, Development Center, and Quality Assurance Room and witnessed the processes of product development, image quality assessment, and quality management.
At the Technical Learning Session, they were introduced to Hanwha Techwin’s core competencies, such as SoC and optical technologies as well as various tools for easy usage and installation. Cybersecurity, one of the biggest trends in the global industry, was also addressed during the session.
According to a participant consultant in the event, “I was impressed with Hanwha Techwin’s Experience Center and the QA test procedures. Such procedures eventually make reliable products and solutions. As for cybersecurity, which is getting increasingly important in the industry, Hanwha is thoroughly prepared. I have confidence in Hanwha Techwin.”
A source at Hanwha Techwin revealed, “The event allowed us to present how we build our products and solutions and especially how we prioritize and advance cybersecurity at Hanwha Techwin. Throughout the event, we received positive feedbacks from the consultants saying that Hanwha Techwin is a ‘trustworthy partner.’ We will further enhance our competitive edge and plan more events to earn trust with our customers.”

Saudi, UAE VIP Customers Visit R&D Center in Hanwha Techwin HQ

Hanwha Vision is the leader in global video surveillance with the world's best optical design / manufacturing technology and image processing technology focusing on video surveillance business for 30 years since 1990.