The safety partner for a healthy future

Hanwha Vision
MISSION Risk Zero Company

Three principles of environmental and safety management

  • Improving accident prevention and response ability

    Strengthen risk assessment for accident reduction
    Strengthen legal monitioring and management
    Emergency Response Drill

  • Eco-friendly Management

    Efficient use of resources and energy
    Environmentally friendly product development
    Continuous Environmental Conservation Practice

  • Advanced safety culture

    Establishment of safety health communication culture
    Enhance basic safety compliance
    Support for improvement of safety level of suppliers Environmental and Safety Policy

Safety management: Zero accident workplace

Hanwha Visionaims to achieve a high standard of environmental and safety management and promote health and prosperity of humankind. This illustrates our commitment to fulfilling corporate social responsibilities.

The number of industrial accidents occurred at Hanwha Vision has been ‘zero’ for the past three years.

Losses caused by industrial accidents

Losses caused by industrial accidents
Category Unit 2020 2021 2022
Number of accidents Case 0 0 0
Number of deaths Case 0 0 0
Lost work days Day 0 0 0
Lost time incident rate (LTIR) 0 0 0

Under the autonomous safety system, Hanwha Vision conducts accident prevention and management activities such as training and inspection across the entire company as well as suppliers.

Through regular safety inspections, we strive to create an environment of accident prevention and prioritize on cultivating safe culture and raising awareness of employees. By sharing examples of accidents and running product line assessment system, we aim to identify and mitigate potential risks, ultimately preventing safety accidents.

Health management

Hanwha Vision runs safety and health management systems in line with the Occupational Safety and Health Act. We operate a range of activities and centers to create a safe workplace for employees and prevent their illnesses.

The number of occupational illness occurrence at Hanwha Vision has been ‘zero’ for the past three years.

Occupational Illness Frequency Rate (OIFR)

Occupational Illness Frequency Rate (OIFR)
Category Unit 2020 2021 2022
Number of occupational illness occurrence Case 0 0 0
Occupational Illness Frequency Rate (OIFR) Case / One million hours 0 0 0

We run health care center with nurses on site to conduct health promotion activities for workers with health concerns. Based on the results of annual health checkup of employees, the center has meetings with workers who have certain illnesses such as diabetes and high blood pressure and offers regular follow-up management to assist in individuals’ health care. To systematically manage health and prevent illnesses, the center plans and operates health promotion programs including smoking cessation clinic and metabolic syndrome campaign.

This is a table about comprehensive checkups and special checkups.
Type Content Unit 2020 2021 2022
Comprehensive checkup Examiner persons 752 738 761
Special examination Examiner persons 45 48 55

Hanwha Vision operates in-house musculoskeletal center to prevent musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs), one of the most common diseases in our society. The center offers peronalized exercise prescription service by professionals and promotes employees’ health through group exercise care programs and MSDs training.

We operate Maeum Nuri Counseling Center for employees’ emotional well-being. The center provides counseling to employees who want to discuss personal issues or work related concerns.


ハンファビジョンはEU REACH法規対応のための主要な製品ライン及び義務事項に対する移行内容を次のように遵守しています。また、当社のカメラ及びストレージデバイスなどの製品は、完成品とし て、非意図的な放出物質であり、登録義務がなく、製品内のSVHC含有量が重量比で0.1%を超えていません。

  • 1. REACH法規の第33項の物質情報の公開義務、

    ハンファビジョンの主な製品はSVHC(高危険性物質、Substance Very High Concern)物質が含有されていないか、製品重量比0.1%を超えていません。これに関連して、消費者の製品内のSVHC 物質に 関する情報の要求があった場合には、これに対する情報を提供しています。

  • 2. 自発の意図的な排出物質の登録義務を実行、



ハンファビジョンはEU RoHS及び中国RoHS(電子情報製品汚染防止法)にも積極的に対応しており、当社製品の環境情報を公開しています。 EU RoHSの自家宣言書はハンファビジョン RoHS Declaration を確認してください。

Green purchasing
strategies and direction

Hanwha Vision actively pursues various activities to offer eco friendly products to our customers and secure global competitiveness in purchasing. We strive to develop market leading products and services through mutual growth management with suppliers and transparent purchasing.

To fulfill corporate social responsibilities and satisfy the market requests for the environment, we set up a verification process in the product development and design stage to prevent any hazardous materials from being used in our products. When purchasing parts for product lines, we mandate the submission of hazardous material information and evaluate green management capabilities when selecting suppliers and procuring supplies. We encourage purchasing materials with environmental certifications and have been registering in recycling agencies in Europe to enable the simplification of materials for enhanced recyclability.

We aim to enhance the process of eco friendly purchasing and gradually stabilize them, ultimately fulfilling our responsibilities as an environmentally friendly company which helps maintain pleasant lives and clean environment.

Hanwha Vision green purchasing

Hanwha Visionstrives to minimize its impact on human bodies and the environment and make efficient use of finite resouces to maintain pleasant lives and the clean environment for the mankind. We comply with the following principles to fulfill our responsibilities as an environmentally friendly company

  • First, we put our priority on the environment and introduce sustainable system for corporate environment management, while contributing to the mankind with clean environment and healthy leaving.
  • Second, we minimize pollutants in all production stages from raw material collection to disposal and concentrate our capabilities in manufacturing environmentally friendly products.
  • Third, we contribute to the local communities by expanding environmental management through green purchasing with suppliers and partner companies.


ハンファビジョンは、顧客により環境に優しい製品を提供するため、有害物質が製品に含まれないように開発及びデザイン段階から徹底した検証を経て、有害物質が製品に含まれないように、「グリー ン購入」の活動を展開しています。また、製品を廃棄する時にリサイクルが容易で、回収処理が可能なように材質をシンプル化しており、分解及び解体が容易になるように設計しています。


ハンファビジョンは、環境的な特性に優れた製品の自己宣言型の環境ラベルを貼付して、製品の環境的特性を一般消費者が簡単に認知できるようにサポートしています。鉛フリーはんだ(Lead Free)製 品、有害物質が社内基準に適合した製品、社内エコデザイン基準に適合した製品梱包材の外観に表記して製品の環境情報を顧客に知らせしています。

  • Environment
  • Ecology

Environment(環境)+Ecology(エコロジー)を意味するアルファベット「e」を青い自然の象徴である葉の形に曲線の内側と外側を開いておいて、外部環境との有機的関係の形成を意味します。これによ り、自然と一つになることができている環境に優しい製品の製造の意志を表現しました。

  • Eco
    Pb-Free Product
  • Eco
    RoHS Compliant
  • Eco
    Eco Information
    • One not using flame retardant, healogen materials
    • Weighing 20% less than A
    • Qith the application of lead free soldering technoiogy
    • With the rate of recycling 15% improved

Hanwha Vision is the leader in global video surveillance with the world's best optical design / manufacturing technology and image processing technology focusing on video surveillance business for 30 years since 1990.