
Gingerbread Corner – UK

Gingerbread Corner – UK

Gingerbread Corner
Gingerbread Corner was set up in 1976 to provide high quality, affordable childcare for single parents of children during school holidays and after school. Now, Gingerbread Corner has grown into a flagship Child Care Centre, providing childcare for children between the ages of 0-11.
One of England’s oldest childcare centers puts its trust in a Hanwha IP network video surveillance system
One of England’s oldest childcare centers has invested in an IP network based video surveillance system manufactured by Hanwha, to create a safe and secure environment for its staff and children.
An existing outdated analogue CCTV system needed to be replaced. Apart from the fact that there were just four cameras which only allowed the monitoring of entrances and exits, the quality of the images captured and recorded were not of sufficient quality to be of any practical use if and when an incident needed to be investigated.

  • Case_Education_HTE_GINGERBREAD CORNER_UK_En.pdf (195 KB)

Hanwha Vision is the leader in global video surveillance with the world's best optical design / manufacturing technology and image processing technology focusing on video surveillance business for 30 years since 1990.